Ok, so last Saturday (March 21) I had the privilege of having my wonderful sister Ashley and my beautiful sister in law Shelly throw me a awesome bridal shower here in Utah. This was tons of fun with great food and just a really good experience every bride should have! We played 2 games, Bridal Bingo, this is where the guests guess what is in the brides presents and as she opens them you cross off the ones you guessed till you get 4 in a row and shout BINGO!!! The other game was "who knows who better". This game was very funny and lots of fun. My sister Ashley filmed Joe answering a series of questions about himself and if I got the answer wrong then I was given a piece of gum to chew and then she filmed him answering a series of questions about me and if he got them wrong then the guest got to draw on my lovely face! ( hence the pictures below) This was a lot of fun and was great to see a lot of my friends and family. I want to give a special thanks to all that could make it and made that day so amazing and fun for me & Thank you all for all you generous gifts Joe and I appreciate them more then you know! :)
Thank you
Chalee drawing on my face because Joe Got an answer wrong:

Guest sign in table and the generous gift pile:

Alisha, Chalee, Megan and Jen gave us the cookie sheets that Joe and I debated about for like an hour in the store when we were registering yay:

My Lovely decorated face: