Thursday, October 21, 2010


Every year it seems to be an up and coming tradition for Joe and I to see Thriller at Kingsbury Hall in Salt lake. It is such an amazing show and this year was no exception. However this year was especially special because 3 of my old students I used to teach at the Dance Factory were IN IT!!!! All three were luck enough to try out and make it as chucky dolls in this year’s production. It is always a fun night filled with laughs, tears and pure amazement at the perfection that has become THRILLER!! I love this show so much and it always seems not that Halloween would not ever be the same without it!

Crazy ghosts that climb over chairs to scare the shizz-nat out of people like me hahah :

Joe and I waiting for the show to begin:

Opening number “Thriller”:

One of my favorites “Dem Bones”:

Cooper and Joe playing during intermission:

The girls performing in the Chucky number:

The Girls: Mikele, Cierra and Brianna:

Gev M (From So You Think You Can Dance) was in the show this year!!! He played a Ghostbusters skit several times through the show. He is seen here dancing with an audience member:

Joe and I with one of the creepy CREEPY CrEePy ghosts that wonder about after the show too:

ALL in ALL a FANTASTIC show and such a fun kick off to the festivities that are HALLOWEEN!!!!

Congratulations Megan and John!!

Today I went to a baby shower for my good friend Megan! I know Megan from when we first met in a class at LDS business Collage and we became good friends fast. We were very lucky to work with one another at the Dance Factory in Bountiful, UT. For 3 years and now we just try and keep in touch as often as we can. LUCKILY, today we got to see each other again for such a fun occasion!! A BABY SHOWER!! I love baby showers. I don’t know if it is the countless hours looking at miniature clothing items or if it is just all the yummy food and funny games that seem to always be surrounding them but they are truly some of my favorite parties to go to. I am so happy for John and Megan who have been married now for almost 3 years, to finally welcome their sure to be adorable little boy into this world (hopefully soon)!! ;)


Megan opening some presents at the shower:

Megan and I: