So I know this post is extremely late however,it is still in the right place for time in events in our life that have already been posted because i haven't had time to post anything else either. So besides the pesky date that is at the top of this post, it is right on time.
Sophie (my co teacher at the Montessori AKA "the English girl" because she just moved here from England like 4 months ago)and I decided we really wanted to go see Thriller at Kingsburry Hall (at the U of U) for our fun Halloween festivity. Since I go to the U and students get buy one get one free tickets I was all about going( who doesn't like a good deal?) So Sophie and I decided to meet up with my boss form the dance studio (Alisha) and some other people, and go eat at the PIE and see this AMAZING performance!The dancing was fa-nominal and the entertainment was funny, the makeup was scary awesome and the whole show all together was fantastic.I loved having a night to hang out with Sophie. We are becoming great friends everyday and we find out we have more and more in common all the time. It is so much fun to finally have a friend in Utah here that is a girl and likes to do fun stuff like this or just hang out!
Here is some pictures of our fun night together! :)
*This is a picture of all the creepy actors that were walking around scaring people before the show. They would totally invade your personal space and make you feel way uncomfortable, but that's their job so they were doing it awesome.They would crawl over the chairs and even sit or climb over people that were sitting in the chairs, as if they were real ghosts. I also thought their make-up was amazing it looked so real!
**Sophie and I
**Opening Number to "thriller"