Ok yes it seems time has flew by and I have not written on my blog in FOREVER so here is a quick catch up on what we were doing in November and December!
November was a eventful month with lots of joys and lots of fun! The first exciting thing that happened to us was In N Out was finally opened in Northern Utah (Draper)which was an awesome experience to bite into one of those amazing hamburgers and have a small taste of California that we both oh so longed for!
Then Thanksgiving came so fast around the corner and this year it was Joe's parents turn to have us all there for thanksgiving. We flew down to San Diego this time, because driving would have wasted to much precious time for such a shot trip. The airport security was so harsh and threw away a bunch of my products (including my expensive Proactive) and it made me so mad because ALL of those things I took with me on my flight to Boston like 3 months before and they didn't have a problem with it but then decided to throw them out this time. Then when we got to the terminal the lady told me I was going to have to check my bag anyway because the plane was to small so in the end they didn't really NEED to throw away my stuff but they did anyway!ya I know kinda annoying! After that we spent some much needed quality time with Joe's family and had a wonderful thanksgiving dinner, played multiple family games (Blockis mostly), went to the movies and shared in a lot of laughter . The next day Joe's youngest brother David got endowed at the San Diego temple, because he was leaving on his mission soon, and since we were all there we were able to enjoy the session with him as a family. All in all thanksgiving was a wonderful and relaxing success and brought a great close to the month of November!
Joe and I at In N Out:

Playing on Thanksgiving day:

Taylor family picture after the temple:

December went by so fast it feels like a total burr. At the beginning of the month Joe's brother David left on his mission to Uruguay and we all gave him multiple Hugs and wished him the best of luck for the next two years.
Later that week my work put on their annual holiday party and we all choose white elephant gifts and played the game too. Sophie ended up getting a apron and I, a green glass box. It was a lot of fun to spend some quality time with the ladies at work and eat and drink and be merry for the holidays!
Christmas was an adventure! We drove to San Diego this time because it was a much longer trip and we knew we would need a car while we were down for so long. Christmas this year was spent at my parents house (The Gardner's) and man was it crazy! Christmas eve was filled with a lot of last minute shopping and a fun family night of games and driving around looking at Christmas lights. Christmas morning was a lot of fun and we all got so much stuff. I am very thankful to have a family that is fortunate enough to be able to provide a Christmas for Joe and I and my siblings this way! We all laughed and had a blast on Christmas morning.One of my favorite things I got on Christmas was my Diamond earrings Joe got for me. I had no idea he was even planning that and was so surprised when I opened the box, I still cant believe it to this day but they are my favorite things ever! Joe had a great Christmas too filled with several pieces of much needed clothes! :) Later that day Ashley, Matt, Joe and I decided to go on a run up the mountain behind our neighborhood and somehow I hurt my foot. Im not sure how I did it but the next morning it was all swollen and stuff and I could barely walk on it, however I have been tough and to this day it still hurts but not as bad as it did on the day after Christmas.
The day after Christmas was filled with 12 hours of shopping with the girls and this is where I got majority of my "Christmas loot" but it was so fun to be able to spend a day with just all the girls in the family.
2 days after that we went to Disneyland. The morning started off a little rocky when Ashley decided she was not feeling well and didn't want to go (which is un-heard of in my family) but it all worked out in the end and Jason, Shelly, Mathias, Mom, Joe and I went instead and had so much fun. I was in a wheel chair all day because of my foot, which sucked, but it did allow us to get to the front on all the rides. We never stood in line for more then 20min and it was one of the busiest days of the year where all the normal lines were over an hour long, so that was pretty AWESOME! We meet Micky which Mathias just LOVED and ran right up to him like he had known him forever, it was so cute. We watched the holiday fireworks and saw it snow on main street, it was a great day. Little Mathias FINALLY (at midnight, witch I cant believe he lasted till then)was able to ride the CHOO CHOO he was pointing at all day long. It was a great end to a fabulous day at Disneyland.
The rest of the few days left on our trip was relaxing and calm. We went to a wedding reception for my good friend Jamie Condie. He married a wonderful girl named Sheridan and we wish them all the luck in the world on their marriage. It was really great to see all my old friends and catch up again. After the reception we had a small Christmas with Joe's family and spent a wonderful evening with them to celebrate the holidays.
New years eve was filled with relaxing, doing laundry and watching the ball drop on TV at my parents house. This was a fantastic end to a relaxing, crazy and fun trip with the Gardner Family. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010
David 2 weeks before he left on his mission:

The Montessori Christmas party, Sophie and I:

Sophie picking a White elephant gift:

The girls and our treasured 7 jeans on Christmas morning:

Mathias enjoying his new Car slippers:

Me opening up the surprise Diamond earrings:

Mathias Playing in the end result of a glorious Christmas morning:

Joe sitting with me in the wheel chair made for the largest person ever:

Joe and I with Mickey:

All of us with Mickey:

Everyone in fornt of the Christmas tree in Toon town, Disneyland: