**I FINALLY graduated from the University of Utah!!! GO UTES!!! I got a bachelors in Human Development and Family Studies and Early Childhood Education! yayyy I was so excited to graduate and so proud of myself that I actually finished college. (a lot of people thought I never would hahah who showed up who now haha!)
* At the end of May we went to Yellowstone for a 1 year anniversary. yay we made it! The trip was Maddux's first time and he loved it HOWEVER it was such a cold and wet trip, I don’t know if I can muster up the courage to ever do it again JK! BUT we loved hanging out with our friends the Wilkin’s and catching up on old times!
**I started my 5th year of teaching at the Montessori at the end of august. Joining Sophie and I this year is our NEW 3rd teacher Janelle! Janelle is a unique add because she is my best friend from before preschool and after years of wishing, her husband and her finally made the move out here to Utah from Boston!! I am so excited and blessed this year to be working with my two best friends and am LOVING every minute of it!!!

**At the beginning of September Joe and I attended the Utah state fair with our good friends Emily and Matt Morris! It was so much fun to spend the evening with them and get to know Emily better! They are truly so much fun to hang out with! Below is a picture of Emily and I about to go on the Farris wheel that Joe and Matt were too scared to go on hahah! It was a lot of fun!

**Joe and I on our way to go on the Giant slide!

**ALSO at the beginning of September our good friends John and Anna Sullivan got married in the San Diego temple! We were so excited and happy for them to finally tie the knot! We traveled down to San Diego fro like a 24 hour period to attend the wedding and party like rock stars haah JK! It was a fun trip and a beautiful wedding! Congratulations guys!!!!

*** This is Emily, Jane and I at the Salt Lake reception for Mr. & Mrs. Sullivan!

**At the end of September Joe and I attended free museum day! Who doesn’t like free stuff?? Haha We went to the Utah Natural History Museum; it was fun to spend the day together doing something educational and fun! Below is Joe looking at all the different kinds of bees that live in Utah!!!
**Joe looking at a dinosaur head
**Finally last but not least… WE BOUGHT COUCHES!!!!!!! Yayyyy we spend the first 3 months of living in our new home trying to settle in and watching TV on the ground! We were so excited to finally get the couches we had been eyeballing for a long time and complete our new home!
** Some other things that happened over the summer and fall so far that we don’t have pictures of are:
-We got 2 new nephews!! Joe’s sister Cassie and her husband Dave welcomed their new baby Jacob Taylor Larsen into this world in May and we just love this little guy so much!
- Joe’s older brother Cody and his wife Ginger welcomed their new arrival Austin Cody Taylor into this world at the end of August and he is such an adorable bundle of joy!
-We went to Yellowstone again for the Fourth of July weekend with our friends Jessie and Mindy! It was by far the best trip to Yellowstone EVER! We got to stay in a cabin! Who can beat that??
-We moved into our house at the end of June!
-Joe’s cousin Mazie got baptized last Saturday! Congrats Mazie!
-Joes Parents moved to Salt Lake Finally! We are so excited to have them here and more family so close!
-We had several visitors live with us over the summer, including all people who were moving here from varies places! Thomas visiting for 7 weeks from BYU-I , Dorothy and John moving here from San Diego, John Sullivan for 6 weeks because he was getting married and moving back from BYU-I, and my good friends Hoeun and Janelle moving here from Boston! We are so excited to have all of these people living here now and so close to us BUT we are equally excited to have them all out of our house hahahah
-Maddux is now 8 months old and is loving every minute of having a back yard and his cousin Henry (my sister Ashley’s dog) so close to play with so often!
Well these are some of the things we have been up to and now that I am somewhat caught up maybe It will stay that way…. Hey a girl can dream right?? ;)