About a week ago Joe and I decided we would take a day off of work and go and do something fun together just the two of us, since we haven't done really anything with just us two in awhile. So we decide we would take the 14 mile trek up Mount
Timpanogos to the lake at the very top! Starting out on this hick I don't think either of us REALLY realized what we were doing, but it is pretty much 7 miles straight up hill and 7 miles straight down hill. It was extremely beautiful and took us 9 hours to complete but definitely worth the time and energy! We had one experience that I can say not many people get the opportunity to have while on this hike and it was that about 3 miles into our climb up the mountain Joe stopped very rapidly in front of me, as I proceeded to ask him why he stop he said "look ahead" and right in front of us about 5 feet away was this HUGE wild moose (bigger then a horse with antlers like chairs). I think this was one time that I have never been so sacred for my life in a long time. These wild moose are very dangerous if they feel threatened in ANY WAY and because of the wonderful animal planet that Joe and I watch quite often, I knew we were very close to their mating season which makes moose especially male moose( which this one was) extremely aggressive. So after we waited in frozen movement, another hiker came up behind us and decided he would be stupid and luckily for him and us the moose moved off the trail into the bushes to eat and we were able to pass unharmed.
I'm glad Joe and I got a chance to climb Mt.
Timpanogos and even though Joe, two weeks later to this day is reaping the pain still of the 14 mile hike it was definitely an experience we will never forget!
**Beautiful waterfall that passes threw the trail

**Me standing in SNOW almost to the top of Mt. T in the middle of August......CRAZY!!!!

***The beautiful lake where we ate lunch at the top of Mt. T (there was still ice that covered the top of the lake)
Good job guys! That is a hard hike, and very exhausting! I bet you all were sore for the next few days!