First off...CHRISTMAS!!!
we had a great Christmas. It was very low key, but fabulous! Since it was Joe's parents year for Christmas, we spent it with them. Since they live in Utah now it was a change for Joe and I to not be traveling anywhere for my favorite holiday. It worked out perfect because we were able to have our OWN Christmas in our OWN home before going over to his parents for the rest of the days festivities. In the days leading up before Christmas, Joe's sister Cassie, Dave and their kids David and Jacob came to visit form NEW YORK! It was so awesome to have them here and spend such good quality time together! I am really lucky to have a sister in law that i get along with so well and love like a true sister! PLUS, I get to see my little lovable nephews!!
Joe and his gifts after our own little Christmas!
Me and my gifts after our little Christmas! (Look at the amazing black UGG's on my feet yayyy)
Us all opening presents at Joe's Parents house, before leaving to eat dinner and open presents at Grandma & Grandpa Savage's house! (I remember it was such a beautiful day that day as we drove through the mountains to their house)
In the days following Christmas, some of the family on my side came to visit! My Aunt Susie, Uncle Tom and their kids, Hunter and Eliza. My Grandma Ulla (my dad's mom) and my brother Jason, Shelly and their kid Mathias. We all had dinner at our house and I had my first chance to make a HAM! It was Fabulous! I loved having them all over, we ate dinner and played games and just laughed and had lots of fun! The next night we all went to temple square and saw all the pretty lights! Joe and I usually do this every year but it was especially special for my Grandma to be there because i don't think she had ever seen Temple Square like that, since she is from San Diego!
Joe and I at Temple Square!
Jason, Grandma Ulla and I at Temple Square
Later...In the winter we went to the car show! It was much more fun then I had ever expected. I loved it! There were practical cars which is what i seemed to be looking at more but there was also such awesome looking cars too tat were just purely amazing (these were Joe's favorite)! We went with our friends Jesse and Mindie and Joe's brother Thomas. It was a lot of fun and all in all a great day doing something different in the middle of winter!
Joe in front of one of his favorite cars at the show!
Me in my future "MOM" car! haha
Jesse in front of his favorite car!
What else were we up too....
Well.... We got new phones!!!! YES we got the HTC EVOs! I know it sounds ridiculous but they are amazing and have Changed our lives its incredible! When i say that this phone is a life saver, there is no joke in that statement hahah! I rarely use my computer anymore because everything is assessable on my phone! It plays LIVE TV and is my daily planner! It has so many down-loadable amazing apps and had a camera quality that is BETTER then my actual digital camera!! Its just amazing!

we also...
Maddux turned 1!!!! On February 2nd! This also marks the fact that he has been a little bundle of joy in our lives for a YEAR now which is just mind boggling! WE love this little guys sooo much its insane!

Joe turned 28!!!!!! on March 2nd AND....
I turned 24!!!! on March 23rd!
For our birthdays we tried to keep them as low key as possible but we did do one thing pretty fun... we went SNOWBOARDING!! We both love to snowboard BUT it is so expensive! This is why we need to have a good reason to go (like birthdays) and splurge on the fun event!
Me on the Mountain! Brighton Ski Resort!

Dorothy and Thomas relaxing and taking a break in the lodge!

Us at the end of our day!

At the end of March our friends Jesse and Mindie had their baby BRAXTON!!! he is soo adorable! Congratulations guys!!
Welcome Braxton!

The new little Siggard Family!

Joe holding Braxton! This was such an awesome sight for me because Joe is like deathly scared of new babies so when he was holding this little bundle of joy it made me think of our future children and what an awesome dad he will be!

Ok this leads us into April!
Spring is such a fun time and is so full of the beginnings of summer and I am so excited for this summer especially! so more to come soon on: a San Diego vacation, multiple marriages, our 2 YEAR anniversary and many more surprises!! :0
See you soon!
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