This is my computer and its a really great computer so don't get me wrong! It helps me do all the things that are important to me like make movies, recordings with my guitar, photography and music uploads into Itunes. HOWEVER, I think I have had more troubles with this computer them I truly need! Right now my computer is once again down because the other day in class, minding my own business my computer charger cord broke (a little peice that comnnects the positive to the positive component inside my computer broke off inside) Funny thing is this is the second time my computer has done this so this was the scond charger that broke on me in one year! Ok so if you dont think that is enough, about a year ago there was a manufacture call back on the batery for my computer (because MAC said they were blowing up or something, weired cuz mine worked perfect, that is untill I sent it back to them gerr) So they sent me a whole new battery and ever since then the new batery that they sent me holds lake a 8 minutes of charge and then dies without the power cord sooooo I could pluge my computer in for a whole night or even a whole week for that matter and no matter what when I try to use it without the power cord it tells me im out of battery and is going to dye in 8 minutes! ANNOYING RIGHT!!!! So the other day when my charger cord broke we finnally go to try and send back my battery because we need a new one anyway and I cant find my apple ID (which probibly got lost somewhere during us moving) which is something you absulutly need before the manufacture will send you a new part. So long story made some what short, im out of a computer right now and I cant post any pics of our fun activity with my family this past weekend until I get my computer back! BUMMER! Not to mention, I find it extremely ironic that fixing computers is what my husband does for a living everyday all day and yet the only problems I get with my computer are ones that just need to be replaced by the manufacture!!! gerrrr!! haha

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