So last Monday my siblings and I decided to get together with our spouses and go to 7peaks in Provo as a LAST get together before my brother Jason and his wife Shelly and my nephew Mathias move to Oklahoma for Jason to attend law school at the University of Oklahoma for at least the next 3 years. All of us couples are very very close and get together every first Sunday of the month, so it will be very sad to not see 1/3 of my family for along time. Due to Jason not being able to work while in law school will result in them having very little money during this next 3 years to go and visit anyone. So as a last little fun trip before they move this weekend, we went to 7 peaks and had a blast. We all got some beautiful color from the hot sun and rode every slide in the park! It was such a fun time and a good last memory to have for awhile. Joe and I are going to miss Jason and Shelly soooooo much but hopefully some time in the next few years we will get a chance to go to O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A ;) and visit them!! yay
Good Luck Jason in your last few years in school! :)
You just HAD to put that song in there didn't you! We love you both so much and miss our fun times! You definitely need to come out and visit! We hope to see you guys before we are done with law school! (Three years is WAY too long)