^Above is a picture of part of the kitchen and living room. This is what you see when you first walk into the apartment from the front door.
So we have been married for about 4months now and living here almost 5 months and I haven't posted anything about our house so here it is. This is the most wonderful apartment in the perfect location and such an awesome community of people here in the complex. I love living here and I couldn't ask for a better place for Joe and I to build and start our life together. The apartment has everything we needed and wanted and even lets us have our adorable kitties. So here is a tour of our apartment, I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
**This is a view from the front door and looking to the right at our living room

**Entertainment area in our living room

**Our door out to our patio. This is on the west wall of our living room. On our patio we have plenty of room where we eat breakfast on Sunday mornings and I keep my bike. We also have a huge storage unit where we keep most of our food storage and extra (tons of toothpaste that I buy on coupon) storage as well as Christmas stuff, camping stuff, Joe's tools, winter tires, etc...

**Our living room view from the kitchen facing west.

**Our living room/entrance. (view from the kitchen)

**Dining area


**Laundry room/ extra storage (view from kitchen-there is a door that is on the south wall of our kitchen and in that door is our laundry room entrance.)

**West side of kitchen/peek a boo window (looking out of kitchen)

**East side of kitchen/ pantry

**Peek a boo window(looking into kitchen)


**Pictures in the hallway on east wall

**Bedroom #1 -Guest room/Office (view from room entrance looking right onto the north wall)
Joe's computer and all our degrees in various stuff

**Part of computer and guest bed (view from room entrance and looking at the north-west corner)

**west wall/ guest bed

**South wall/ guest amenities and stuff

**East wall and bedroom entrance/ exit (directly across the hall is our bathroom where we will be headed next)

**Bathroom front entrance looking at our bathroom shower/ bath and

**This is the sink and mirror that I call (Joe's area) in our bathroom

**extra storage in the bathroom as well as our built in litter box area in the wall

**Bedroom #2 Our room (view from back (south) wall in our room- So entrance door into room would be on the right side of the picture)

**Joe's dresser I repainted and made look amazing

**South wall/bed in our room- Picture taken from front entrance door of room

**West wall and window- Joe's dresser would be on the right side of this picture by the window

**East wall and entrance into walk in closet


**In our house we have a unique thing that is a full sink and counter in our closet (which is what I call MY area) This makes it really cool because all my clothes are in the closet and all the rest of my stuff, like tooth brush, makeup and hair care stuff is in there too by my sink. So I can get ready in the morning and not wake Joe up and limit opening and closing doors early in the morning PLUS when he is getting ready I can get ready at the same time without having either of us getting in each others way. THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART OF OUR HOUSE!

**More clothes in our closet. (which if you know me, our closet is big enough to hold ALL my clothes, shoes, purses and PJ's AS WELL AS Joe's clothes! And there is still plenty of room to have the sink and move around comfortably-That is what I call an amazing closet)